Post-modern satanocratia

Many years I'm thinking around one question. What's wrong with this world? 

Lately, I started to think that I'm close to cracking the essence of this existential question. I'm monotheist, who truly believe in one almighty God as creator of everything. God, created physical and meta-physical worlds as well as laws to rule this worlds. It's not like he needs to rule, for sure God is perfect substances and he doesn't need anything. Except love - God is love, mercy, he's everything good and bright that you know and can imagine and for sure much more. That's where creation process starts. God creates everything and everybody out of his love. He wants to share his endless love in some sense. And that's where human being kicks in. Human is creature that can potentially emphasize and implement whole mighty power off creators love! But, in the order for human to be able to reach and activate this power he\she needs to face a game that we call life in this physical world. Take heart yourself to defeat all levels in this game and achieve final reward of becoming sacral creature. 

And that's where Satan kicks in. This creature for sure was created by almighty God and we have lots of information regarding this matter in holy books of all monotheistic religions. In my understanding God almighty created this creature to be potential enemy for human. Cause, only in practice with strong and professional enemy you can became a good boxer, wrestler or any kind of athlete. There is always need for impact and anti-impact for any kind of development. Therefore, Satan in one sense helps to humans in self development but, in very brutal and bloody fight. Being existential enemy for human as we can read in holy books, he swore that will do everything to make human suffer and fail. 

I believe this is right way to analyze life in historical retrospective and current situation in the world. Recent couple centuries of human history formed most brutal and powerful system to destroy human potential! World where everything is so naked and available for momentarily false pleasure's (sexual, alcoholic, narcotic etc.) on one hand and lots of laws and regulations which are smashing human who is trying to pay for bills and credits to continue miserable existence on the other. This is clean and truthful Satanism or satanocratia. The world where millionaires become billionaires exploitation cheap work of billons of people who doesn't have time to even think about goal and essence of life. 

There is one simple way out from this existential crisis in my understanding. World political and economical elites or at least people who can advice them has to realize that God is one and truth power and we all shall confront him, being accountable and suffer the consequences of evil that we bring into this world and into life's of other people. There's another way too but that way is a topic for whole another article. 


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